
GROWs mission to increase girls' interest and engagement in STEM is a noble and important one. Research has shown that girls are underrepresented in STEM fields, and providing them with more opportunities to explore and engage with science, technology, engineering, and math can help close this gap.

By cultivating a culture where risk-taking is rewarded, curiosity is encouraged, and creativity is expected, Sulphur Springs Independent School District is taking a bold step in promoting STEM education for girls. Participating in engaging STEM activities can help girls develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and a passion for learning that can serve them well throughout their lives.

It is essential that we continue to support and encourage girls' interest and engagement in STEM fields, and this program is leading the way by providing opportunities and resources that can help girls thrive in these areas. By doing so, we can help create a more diverse, inclusive, and innovative workforce that benefits everyone.

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Session 1: DNA Extraction

Mandy Eckhardt, a Sulphur Springs ISD alumnus, led our students through their first GROW session. She is currently in her third year of graduate school at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and was willing to come to share her love for science! She and a member of her lab, Tiffany Chin, spoke to the students about their field and then led the students through a DNA extraction lab. 


Thank you to our volunteers from L3Harris and AFA Chapter 416

Session 2: Girls Can Weld Too

Megan Nichols, a Como-Pickton CISD alumnus, led our students through their second GROW session. She is an experienced combo welder specializing in both TIG and MIG welding. She was able to speak to our students about the opportunities found within the welding industry and give first hand account to what it is like being a women in that field. Our students then experienced a "welding" simulation being tasked to weld a freestanding structure. 

Thank you to our volunteers from L3Harris and AFA Chapter 416

Session 3: Solar Eclipse

Makayla Teer, a Como-Pickton CISD alumnus and current TAMU-C senior, lead our students through their third session. The focus was centered around the solar eclipse as our students learned about the alignment, built their own eclipse viewers, and a solar eclipse model. 

Thank you to our volunteers from L3Harris and AFA Chapter 416

Session 4: Texas Storm Chasers

The final session for GROW 2024 was presented by Ms. Chelsea Burnett with Texas Storm Chasers. Our students learned about severe weather patterns and safety practices. Thank you Chelsea for sharing your passion with our students.    

Thank you to our volunteers from L3Harris and AFA Chapter 416